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Come & See

Experience Life at Seligenthal Abbey

Are you feeling a call to explore monastic life, or simply curious about what it’s like to live in a community dedicated to prayer and service? At Seligenthal Abbey, we offer a unique opportunity to experience our way of life through our Come & See program. Whether you have a weekend, a couple of weeks, or even several months to spare, there’s a place for you here to discover, reflect, and learn.

Weekend Visits: A First Taste of Monastic Life

If you are short on time but eager to get a first impression of Seligenthal, consider spending a weekend with us. During your stay, you will live and dine in our guest area, a comfortable space where you can enjoy time for reflection and prayer. You will also be welcome to join the sisters in our choir prayer, a central part of our daily life. This time of shared prayer can be a beautiful opportunity to experience the rhythm and serenity of monastic life. It’s a perfect way to see if this environment resonates with you and offers a space for your spiritual growth.

1-2 Week Stays: Deepening the Experience

For those who wish to spend a bit more time with us, stays of 1-2 weeks provide a deeper immersion into life at Seligenthal. You will still reside in the guest area and enjoy meals there, but with more time, you’ll have the chance to explore possible work opportunities within our abbey. This could include:

  • A short internship in one of our schools or kindergarten

  • Assisting in the care area for the elderly

  • Helping out in our garden or kitchen

This hands-on experience allows you to gain a fuller understanding of the balance between prayer and work that is central to our way of life, while also contributing to the community’s everyday needs.

3-12 Month Immersions: Living the Monastic Rhythm

For those who are able to commit to a longer stay, from 3 to 12 months, you have the opportunity to truly live alongside the sisters and delve deeper into the monastic way of life. During this time, you will become part of our daily rhythm, sharing in the silence, prayer, and community that shape our days. You will participate in the Liturgy of the Hours, engage in work projects, and experience the blend of contemplation and service that defines our life together.

If German is not your native language, don’t worry—your main focus during this time can be learning German, which can help you feel more integrated into the daily life and prayers of the community. This experience can provide you with not only a deeper spiritual grounding but also a valuable opportunity for personal and linguistic growth.

Is the Come & See Program Right for You?

The Come & See program at Seligenthal Abbey is open to young women who are discerning a possible call to monastic life, or simply those who wish to take a break from their usual routines and immerse themselves in a spiritual environment. It’s a chance to live the balance of prayer and work, to listen deeply to God’s voice, and to discover more about yourself.

Whether you stay for a weekend, a few weeks, or longer, this time can be a profound opportunity for spiritual renewal and a deeper connection with God. We hope you will consider joining us and seeing for yourself what life in a monastic community has to offer. If you feel the call, we would be delighted to welcome you into our home and walk with you on this journey of exploration.

If you'd like to come for Come & See stay at Seligenthal, just contact us and we will get in touch with you!

young woman among nuns to experience monastic life

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