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Day 27: Cross

Today, during my walk through the monastery garden, this view unfolded before me. It powerfully reveals the mystery of our faith: In death, there is life.

Behind the cross, the symbol of Jesus' suffering and death, the sun rises, symbolizing the resurrection. Jesus' love, which led Him to give Himself up on the cross, is the path to our salvation, and from His dying came a birth into a life of even greater abundance.

We believe that our struggles, sorrows, and suffering are also a path to greater joy, jubilation, and gratitude. That behind every cross, the light of Easter already shines.

We can trust in God, who is a God of life. He is the Father who lovingly embraces us, He is the Son who loves us beyond measure, He is the Holy Spirit who comforts and strengthens us.

Let us surrender ourselves to our God and cast all our worries upon Him, who is able to carry them for and with us.

cross in the garden of our abbey

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