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Day 5: For the Glory of God

We are at the beginning of the month of October, and in my opinion, it is a particularly beautiful month. Nature outside turns red and gold, and every evening after Compline, we pray the Rosary together. All the lights are turned off, and only the candles in front of our image of Mary are lit. You can hardly imagine a better way to end the day.

There is a custom in our house that a statue of Mary, called the Little Crowned Madonna, visits a different sister every month. The novice’s task is always to accompany the Madonna with a candle to the respective sister. The day I took the habit, this statue came to me. That was, and still is, truly beautiful. Beforehand, you draw a slip of paper from a little treasure box, on which a virtue is noted and described, one that you should particularly pray for during that month. I drew the virtue of zeal for the glory of God. I immediately thought of how one of my friends reacted to my interview (with a local newspaper). She spontaneously said, “Can you imagine how you will work for the glory of God with this!”

I am very happy that I drew this particular virtue. To increase God’s glory should be my first and most important goal. So, every day I now pray together with my heavenly Mother, asking God to grant me the grace of this virtue.

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