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How to Find the Right Monastery

A Journey of the Heart

Choosing to explore life in a monastery is a profound and deeply personal decision. Whether you are considering a temporary stay, a long-term commitment, or even discerning a vocation, finding the right monastery is about more than just picking a location—it’s about discovering the place that speaks to your soul, that supports your spiritual growth, and aligns with the life you feel called to live.

But how do you begin such a journey? How do you navigate the variety of monastic communities and find the one that fits you? Here’s a guide to help you on your path.

1. Start with Reflection

Before you begin researching specific monasteries, it’s important to start with a period of personal reflection. Ask yourself why you feel drawn to monastic life. What aspects of monasticism resonate with you? Is it the rhythm of prayer, the simplicity, or the desire for deeper contemplation? Are you seeking a community for temporary retreat, long-term personal development, or discerning a possible vocation?

Understanding your own spiritual needs and desires is the first step in finding a monastery that can help you grow. Some questions to consider:

  • What form of spirituality or religious tradition am I drawn to (Benedictine, Cistercian, Franciscan, etc.)?

  • Do I feel called to a more contemplative life, or do I want to be part of a community involved in service and outreach?

  • Am I looking for silence and solitude, or do I want to engage in communal living?

Reflecting on these questions will help narrow your focus and guide you toward monasteries that share your values and goals.

2. Research Different Orders and Traditions

There are many monastic traditions, each with its own charism (spiritual focus), way of life, and emphasis. Benedictines, for example, live by the Rule of St. Benedict, which emphasizes balance between prayer, work, and rest. Cistercians are part of the Benedictine tradition but focus more intensely on simplicity, manual labor, and contemplative prayer. Franciscans, inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, often emphasize poverty, service to the poor, and care for creation.

Each monastic order or community has its unique way of living out the Gospel. Take the time to research the different traditions to see which one speaks to your heart.

3. Consider the Location and Environment

Once you have a sense of the spiritual tradition that resonates with you, think about the practical aspects of where you might want to live. Monasteries come in many forms—some are nestled in remote mountains or peaceful countryside, while others, like Seligenthal Abbey, are located in the heart of a city, offering a blend of monastic life and connection to urban life.

Ask yourself where you would feel most at peace:

  • Do you feel drawn to solitude and nature, or do you prefer to live within reach of a town or city?

  • Do you want to experience a specific culture or region, such as living in a monastic community abroad?

Location plays a significant role in your overall experience, so consider whether the natural surroundings will enhance your spiritual journey.

4. Visit Monasteries (or Explore Virtual Retreats)

Visiting monasteries is one of the best ways to discern if a place is right for you. Many monasteries offer retreats where you can experience daily life alongside the community. By staying at a monastery, you can immerse yourself in the rhythm of prayer, work, and reflection and get to know the people who live there.

When you visit, ask yourself:

  • How do I feel in this space? Do I feel a sense of peace and belonging?

  • Do the daily rhythms of prayer and work feel life-giving to me?

  • Can I see myself living in this environment, with this particular community?

If a physical visit is not possible, many monasteries now offer virtual retreats or opportunities to connect online. While not a substitute for experiencing the place firsthand, these virtual experiences can still give you a sense of the community’s spirit and way of life.

5. Engage with the Community

Monastic life is deeply communal, so it’s essential to consider the people who make up the monastery. Each community has its own personality, shaped by the individuals who live there. Some communities are small and intimate, while others are large and diverse.

Take time to engage with the monks or nuns and observe how they interact with one another. Do they reflect the values you’re looking for—humility, hospitality, generosity? Do you feel a sense of camaraderie or spiritual kinship with them?

Monasteries often welcome those who wish to learn more about their way of life, so don’t hesitate to ask questions about their routine, their work, and what they value as a community. This will help you determine if their way of living aligns with your own aspirations.

6. Discern the Level of Commitment

Not everyone who visits or stays at a monastery is called to a lifelong vocation. Some may come for a temporary retreat, some may choose to stay for a year, like the Freiwilliges Ordensjahr in Germany, while others may feel called to explore a lifelong commitment to the monastic life.

Consider what level of commitment feels right for you at this point in your journey. If you’re unsure, many monasteries offer programs that allow you to live with the community for a set period without making a permanent commitment. These experiences can help you discern whether monastic life is a temporary calling or something more long-term.

7. Trust in God’s Guidance

Ultimately, finding the right monastery is a spiritual journey, one that requires patience, openness, and trust in God’s guidance. It’s important to listen to the promptings of your heart and to seek God’s will in prayer throughout the process. Sometimes, the monastery you are drawn to may surprise you—it may be in a place you never expected or part of a tradition you hadn’t previously considered.

As you continue your search, trust that God is leading you toward the place where you can grow in faith, peace, and love. Be open to the possibilities that unfold, and trust that the right monastery will reveal itself in time.

Conclusion: A Place of Peace

Finding the right monastery is not just about finding a place to live—it’s about discovering a spiritual home, a place where your soul can rest and flourish. Whether you are seeking a temporary retreat or discerning a lifelong vocation, take the time to reflect, research, and visit. And most importantly, trust that God is guiding you on this journey, leading you toward the community and space that will support your spiritual growth and draw you closer to Him.

As you search for the right monastery, remember that this is a journey of the heart, one that will unfold in its own time. Whether you find yourself drawn to a centuries-old abbey like Seligenthal, where prayer has been the lifeblood of the community for almost 800 years, or to a new and emerging monastic movement, the key is to follow the path that leads you to peace, purpose, and deeper communion with God.

lesende Nonne im Kreuzgang der Abtei Seligenthal

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