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How to Join Our Community at Seligenthal

Are you feeling called to explore monastic life with us at Seligenthal Abbey? Joining a monastic community is a profound and life-changing decision, and we're here to guide you through every step of the process. Here's how you can begin your journey towards discerning life in our community:

Step 1: Get in Touch

The first step is to reach out to us, ideally through our contact form on our website. This initial contact allows us to begin a conversation and get to know each other. We will then ask you to send us a CV (curriculum vitae) and a recent photograph. This information helps us understand a bit more about you and your background, as we explore whether life at Seligenthal might be a good fit for you.

Step 2: A First Encounter – Video Call

If your initial profile suggests that there is potential for joining our community, the next step is to schedule a video call. This call gives us the opportunity to speak more personally, share about our community and daily life, and answer any questions you might have. It also allows us to discern together if moving forward in the process would be beneficial.

Step 3: Visit to Seligenthal

Should the video call confirm mutual interest, the next step is an in-person visit to our abbey in Seligenthal. This visit allows you to experience firsthand the rhythm of our monastic life, participate in our prayers, and meet the sisters. It's an important moment to gain a deeper understanding of what life in our community is like. This step can be repeated several times with a variable length of your stay depending on your circumstances and needs.

Step 4: A Year of Living in the Community

If, after visiting, you feel a continued sense of calling, the next stage is a year-long live-in experience. This year is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of our daily rhythm, community life, and prayer schedule. During this time, you’ll live alongside the sisters, engaging fully in our prayer, work, and communal life, to see if this path is truly for you.

For Foreigners: Preparing for the Journey

If you are from outside Germany, we understand that moving to a new country involves some additional challenges. If our video call indicates that a live-in period at Seligenthal could be a good step, we can provide an invitation letter to help you secure a visa. It is important to start learning German as soon as possible if you are considering joining us, as this will be essential for daily life here. Language learning will also be your primary focus during your first year with us, allowing you to integrate more fully into our community and participate in all aspects of our monastic life.

Formation and Career Paths

Entering monastic life at Seligenthal also means embarking on a path of formation and study. Young sisters receive a solid foundation in Latin and theology, providing them with the spiritual and intellectual grounding necessary for life in our community. After making their simple profession, sisters have the opportunity to pursue university studies or a vocational training (Ausbildung). This education can open doors to various roles within the community, including teaching in our schools, working in the garden, or assisting with finances, among many others. We value each sister's unique talents and encourage them to grow into their calling, whether through study or practical work.

A Call to a Deeper Life

If you feel drawn to our life of prayer, community, and service, we invite you to take the first step and reach out to us. Discerning a vocation to monastic life is a journey, one that we walk together in faith, trust, and openness to God’s plan. We look forward to meeting you and walking with you on this path of discovery.

we are looking forward to welcome you

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